협력적 가격차별 수단으로서의 일시적 가격할인
한국마케팅저널 | 한국마케팅학회 | 20 pages| 2010.11.02| 파일형태 :
조회 2723 다운로드 8
This paper considers a duopoly where switching costs exist. The analysis proves that temporal price reductions can be pure strategy equilibrium where firms earn more profit than in a regular price strategy. Greater profits result from price discrimination in temporal price reductions. The equilibrium is contrasted with previous studies, which explain temporal price reductions as a result of mixed strategy. In a given model with an assumption about forming switching cost, firms can control their range of loyal consumers by properly setting their regular and promotional prices. The model shows that temporal price reduction tends to raise the regular price and decrease the range of loyal consumers.
Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Empirical studies

Ⅲ. Model

Ⅳ. Profit-maximizing prices
 4.1 Cooperative regular price strategy
 4.2 Cooperative alternating promotion strategy
 4.3 Non-cooperative alternating promotion strategy

Ⅴ. Summary and further discussions

Price discrimination Temporal promotions Switching cost Loyalty
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