대형할인점의 점포선택기준이 고객만족과 충성도에 미치는 영향
세종대학교 | 87 pages| 2006.12.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1176 다운로드 0
This study is to examine the effect of store choice criteria on customer satisfaction and loyalty (word-of-mouth and revisit intentions) and the mediating role of customer satisfaction in the relationships between store choice criteria and customer satisfaction and loyalty in large discount stores. For these purpose, the author developed several hypotheses. The data were collected 552 shoppers who visited large discount stores and analyzed using factor analysis, reliability test, and regression analysis with Spss/PC+12 W. The store choice criteria were divided into six factors such as cognitive store image, emotional store image, service, merchandise assortment, sales promotion, and transportation and/or location factors. The results are as follows: First, cognitive store image, emotional store image, merchandise assortment, and transportation and/or location factors had a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
점포선택기준 고객만족 충성도 신뢰도 상관관계분석
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