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한국적 창작발레 공연 콘텐츠 다양화 방안
The birth of creative ballet has expanded the breadth of materials in ballet as well as the vision of the developmental dimension of the ballet world. It has a great significance in that it has attempted the development of Korean dance. Seen in such a respect, creative ballet cannot be successful only by the creative ability of the choreographer. For this reason, it has become necessary to specialize the segmented domains such as the creative ability of the choreographer, dancers` perfect techniques, the scrip capable of making the story of the ballet dance play effective, dedicated composers, refined decoration in lighting, artwork and clothing, need for dramatics and scene directors and the like. Creative ballet develops diverse motions for the meaning to express through the movements of the body as well as the movement itself and pursues something new In relation to the possibility of development and change in terms of the stream, form and content of the times. Unlike foreign classic ballet, Korean creative ballet represents the tradition proper to Korean people by adopting Korean traits and elements as its material, and clothing, stage, art and music for it are created to fit the content of its work. Not a few works have already been created with the Korean materials,
공연 콘텐츠 다양화
창작 공연 제작
기업 문화마케팅 활용