중국 소비자의 광고태도와 구전효과가 브랜드 태도 및 고객만족 형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
동아대학교 | 82 pages| 2006.12.01| 파일형태 :
조회 598 다운로드 2
The purpose of this study is to make it clear that what differences there exist in two consumer groups who are well-informed and not well-informed about their cellular phones with respect to the effects on brand attitude and customer satisfaction by Chinese consumers` attitude toward advertisement, word-of-mouth effect and the brand name effect for the cellular phone users in Chinese market, which has recently been the most important overseas market for Korea. The study has been performed through the two approaches, literature researches and demonstration researches. Literature researches include various studies on consumers` attitude toward advertisement, word-of-mouth effect, products information, brand attitude, consumers satisfaction, and the main characteristics of Chinese consumers and their cellular phone market.
브랜드 태도 중국 휴대폰시장 광고태도의 고객만족 구전효과 브랜드 네임 설문 설문조사 설문조사결과 설문결과 리서치 서베이 survey
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