사회 참여적 비디오 아트 표현 연구
이화여자대학교 | 58 pages| 2007.01.01| 파일형태 :
조회 1471 다운로드 0
Since the artist is not separated from the society and region in which he lives, but affected by them, in the social participation of art, it is thought that the social issue must not be ignored. This research has social issue in the contents for social participatory art and restricts its definition to the popular transmission that corresponds to objective of pursuing public interest methodologically. The difference from a series of work represented by folk art is that it is non-ideological instead of specific ideology and Pursues public welfare of universal community, This definition may be free from the perverted recognition in which social participatory art Is represented only as labor movement or folk art. This research wishes to transmit the idea of author and participate in the Public Place of viewers without being confined to the exhibition hall where works are exposed to restricted viewers. Containing the social participatory contents and form, the work of researcher expresses by image which is video art.
사회 참여적 작가 사례 연구 제니 홀저 (Jenny Holzer) 클라우스 폼 브루흐 (Klaus vom Bruch) 매체적인 측면
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