Concept Explication: At the Core of It All
한국언론학회 | 한국언론학회 | 9 pages| 2024.08.07| 파일형태 :
조회 66 다운로드 0
The Sage volume “Explication” by Steven Chaffee is a hidden gem that has been an invaluable resource for many scholars in our discipline. This essay features reflections on the book from three generations of scholars. It begins with initial impressions of the book from the 1990s and its impact on the subsequent scholarship of the first author. This is followed by expositions of its contents and pedagogical value from two of his students, one who was exposed to it in the 2000s and the other who read it in 2023. Together, the reflections illustrate the lasting value and impact of this seminal volume.
S. Shyam Sundar?From Definitions to Typologies to Measures and Models
Saras Bellur - Explication as a Bridge to Theory-Building
Hui Min Lee - Explication as a Tool for Critical Thinking
#concept explication#meaning analysis#theory-building#theory-testing#pedagogy
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