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데님 웨어에 나타난 네오-미니멀리즘에 관한 연구
As digital culture speeds up in the twenty-first century, the modern people not only rapidly absorb various culture but also feel nostalgia for the past analog culture. In other words, the trend of nee-minimalism is reemphasized that highlights simplicity and intrinsic attributes in the modern fashion trends. Especially denim-wear, which has continuously developed and included the culture of diverse different periods, could be referred to be a fashion that combines digital culture with analog culture. Characteristics of minimalism in the 1960s differ from nee-minimal characteristics in the 21st century denim wear in 35 respects: Slim, Simple, Small. This study surveys the historical background of denim fashion by literature and investigates the Importance of denim-wear among modern fashion that progressively changes, by inquiring closely into 3 characteristics of denim-wear; symbolism, diversity, popularity. Also, this study analyzes propensity to consume of denim wear which is highly related to people`s sense of values Lastly, this study considers aesthetic value of denim wear through classifying the denim styles into body-conscious nee-minimalism styles, super-micro nee -minimalism styles, dismantling nee -minimalism styles.
데님 웨어
슈퍼 마이크로(Super-Micro)