From Theory Extremism and Methodological Arrogance to Method-Theory Synergy
한국언론학보 | 한국언론학회 | 11 pages| 2024.08.07| 파일형태 :
조회 36 다운로드 0
his article provides previously formulated arguments for the rejection of both theory extremism and methodological arrogance. Drawing on Greenwald’s (2012) article entitled “There is nothing so theoretical as a good method,” a case is made for considering Platt’s (1960) notion of “strong inference” as flflawed and instead adopting and valuing method-theory synergy as a better perspective for advancing communication science. The article includes examples for theory extremism, methodological arrogance, and method-theory synergy in communication science.
Greenwald’s Arguments
Theory Extremism
Methodological-Analytical Arrogance
Method-Theory Synergy
Concluding Recommendations
#method-theory synergy#epistemology#science of knowledge
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